Brain Dance - Brain Compatible Movement for the Classroom Teacher
"It's truly astonishing that the dominant model for formal learning is still "sit and get". It's not just astonishing it's embarrassing. Why do we persist when the evidence that lecture alone does not cut it is so strong "
- (Dolcourt, 2000; Slavin, 1994).
For Teachers Grades K-6
2 hours of instruction time
Maximum number of workshop participants: 30

Today, researchers are demonstrating that movement plays an essential and primary role in the development of the brain. There is compelling evidence of mind-body connections from anatomical imaging technology, cognitive, and developmental sources.  

The Brain Dance is based on the developmental patterns that help babies grow their brains. It serves as an assessment to help us see children who have not passed through these stages and who now suffer from neurological "gaps" that show up as ADD, ADHD, behavioral problems, and inability to focus or read. The eight brain moves patterns are:

1) Breath, 2) Tactile, 3) Core-distal, 4) Head-tail, 5) Upper-lower, 6) Body side, 
7) Cross lateral, 8) Vestibular.

The Brain Dance can be used to focus before tests, performances or presentations, to wake up after sitting for long periods of time, during computer work or TV watching, or to calm down after excessive stimulation. It is an excellent body and brain centering exercise to organize our brains to start the school day in the classroom. 

View the Table of Contents for the Brain Dance - Brain Compatible Movement for the Classroom Teacher Grades K-6


“Movement is the architect of the brain”

- Anne Green Gilbert

Copyright S. Harlan Brownlee: No copying or other reproduction of this work allowed without the express written permission of the author, ©2014.